Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nfl Experience

Kyle going over the dummies to score a touchdown

HE made it

In line to run a drill

Go boys

Dallas cowboy Kyle

CHris as a chief

Way too much fun and worn out!


Kyle LOVES hockey practice, he is getting better and better each day.

Learning to get up.

Look ma no hands!

December 2010

Here is Kyle at his Christmas party at baby school.

THis is his best buddy Isaac. They are 2 buds that play all the time.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Here we are in our tool kit for Christmas.

New golf bag

Fishing for the big one!

This is how we have been sleeping lately. Oh Football helments.

There is now room for him in the bed, every night Chris and I move the helmets so he can sleep.